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Its pretty easy for some kids to switch gears. They can go from sad to ebullient in seconds, and switch contexts without much fuss. Others have more trouble. As we get older, our natural ability to thrive in a new situation can decrease. But, like a muscle or a skill, it responds to practice. The […]

Indifferent overhead

Indifferent overhead

Every business and individual has overhead. The bills we have to pay and the costs we incur that aren’t directly related to our income. You pay them whether or not you’re busy. But there are two kinds of overhead, worth differentiating: Different overhead- The investments that help you and your product or service become better […]

9 Reasons To Join A Professional Organiz...

9 Reasons To Join A Professional Organization

Are you a member of any professional organizations? If youre not, you should be. Joining a professional organization is a smart career move. Find out why below. Professional organizations exist for just about every single employment niche. You can join a professional organization for CEOs,finance,insurance,PA,accounting, nursing, marketing,insurance, sales,project managers,construction,real estate,banking,education, forestry, sports, engineering, medicine, photography,arts,CSR, […]

Hammer time

Hammer time

  So, if it’s true that to a person with a hammer, every problem looks like a nail, the really useful question is, “what sort of hammer do you have?” At big TV networks, they have a TV hammer. At a surgeon’s office, they have the scalpel hammer. A drug counselor has the talk hammer, […]