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Its pretty easy for some kids to switch gears. They can go from sad to ebullient in seconds, and switch contexts without much fuss. Others have more trouble. As we get older, our natural ability to thrive in a new situation can decrease. But, like a muscle or a skill, it responds to practice. The […]

The whiners room

The whiners room

When my friend Elly taught in a middle school, he never hung out in the teacher’s room. He told me he couldn’t bear the badmouthing of students, the whining and the blaming. Of course, not all teachers are like this. In fact, most of them aren’t. And of course, trolling isn’t reserved to the teacher’s […]

Winning on the uphills

Winning on the uphills

Interesting business lesson learned on a bicycle: it’s very difficult to improve your performance on the downhills. I used to dread the uphill parts of my ride. On a recumbent bike, they’re particularly difficult. So I’d slog through, barely surviving, looking forward to the superspeedy downhill parts. Unfortunately, I had a serious accident a few […]



The only way to get initiative is to take it. Its never given. And some people hesitate to take it, perhaps because theyre worried that well somehow run out. Were not going to run out. Its a self-renewing resource. From an early age, most of us were taught to avoid it. Do your homework. Take […]