Maybe this year… Your knowledge will reach critical mass.. Your boss will give you the go ahead.. Your family situation will be stable.. The competition will stop innovating.. The traffic jam will cease.. There won’t be any computer viruses to deal with, and Then… You can act, you can launch your project, you can make […]
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Author: Bernice Kanini
Mombasa,Nairobi and Naivasha February 20...
MOMBASA,NAIROBI and Naivasha February 2025 Training Programs for You Select your upcoming skills training programs starting 24th February 2025 and also for Your Colleagues Change Your World. Expand Your Context and Content Earn More ►View Your upcoming 2025 Corporate Executives Training Calendar. ►Reserve online. Easy to do,Easy to Execute,Easy to Move Forward. […]
The prevailing conditions
It doesnt matter how hard you try, youre not going to change the direction of the wind. That doesnt mean you cant get good at sailing, though. And yes, if we do try, we can change the conditions in our household, community or workplace. It might feel like wind, but its caused by us and […]
One Word that will change your Life
Our lives so often feel cluttered,confused,and complex.One word concept shows the way to the simplicity of focus.It guides you to what should currently matter most and clarifies how to live from that place. This is a game changing idea that will transform how you live your life.Get One Word.Read One Word. Find your One Word….and […]
5 Secrets To Getting The Raise You Deser...
What would make your job better? More money? More vacation days? If you truly feel you deserve a raise or a bonus, why not just ask for one? Yes, asking for a raise is a scary proposition. Its intimidating to ask your boss for a raise, but if you deserve it and you add value […]
What will I tell my boss?
If you cant answer that six-word question, youre selling a commodity. Organizations dont buy things, people do. And people at companies arent spending their own money, so this is the only question on the table. A cogent story, based on affiliation and status, one that sees and respects the dynamics of the organization, is actually […]
Comfort and convenience
For the last thirty years, the easiest shortcut has been convenience. If a marketer or a politician or an institution wants to gain acceptance, make it convenient. That is ; trade almost anything to save a few moments of hassle or thought. But that doesn’t mean we’ve been spending our time and money on comfort. […]
Should You Hire Humans Or Robots?
The world is changing quickly. According to, before the end of this century, 70 percent of todays occupations will likewise be replaced by automation. Thats an important fact for both job seekers and businesses to keep in mind. Robots are coming. Are you ready? Businesses of all shapes and sizes are starting to wonder […]
In search of customer intimacy
Many brands want deep and long-lasting relationships with their customers. Social media makes these interactions even more likely, because it encourages customers to speak up and to connect. The fallacy is believing that whining equals intimacy. It doesn’t. Whining and complaining is easy and natural, but it’s not a foundation for a long term relationship. […]
The world worst boss….
The world’s worst boss That would be you. Even if you’re not self-employed, your boss is you. You manage your career, your day, your responses. You manage how you sell your services and your education and the way you talk to yourself. Odds are, you’re doing it poorly. If you had a manager that […]
Dont waste the good days
If youre feeling creative, do the errands tomorrow. If youre fit and healthy, take a day to go swimming,jogging or take a walk. When inspiration strikes, write it down. The calendar belongs to everyone else. Their schedule isnt your schedule unless it helps you get where youre going.
Raising the bar or Raising the average ?
Raising the bar Thats not the same as raising the average. With the advent of the high jump, the idiom raising the bar became well understood: If you cant jump over the bar that the current leader cleared, you dont win. But most of the innovations that change our culture dont actually increase the simple […]
A different urgency
For many people, work consists of a series of urgencies. Set them up and knock them down. Empty the in-box, answer the boss, make the deadline. Over the next few weeks, there may be fewer urgencies than usual. Thats the nature of coming back from a break. What if we used the time to move […]
Make a habit/break a habit
If youre trying to help yourself (or those you serve), the most effective thing you can do is create long-term habits. They become unseen foundations of who we will become. The goal of running a marathon in six weeks is audacious, but its not a habit. You might succeed, but with all that pressure, its […]
Why Its Important To Keep a Daily To-Do ...
One simple way to improve your productivity is to keep an agenda, whether by hand or via a day by day to-do list app. It may not sound like brilliant advice, but this small change can have effect that cannot be overstated. This guide indicates some reasons you should consider keeping to-do lists. Today we […]
The Ten Commandments of Great Customer S...
Customer service is an integral part of our job and should not be seen as an extension of it. A companys most vital asset is its customers. Without them, we would not and could not exist in business. When you satisfy our customers, they not only help us grow by continuing to do business with […]
Choosing your fuel…
The work is difficult. Overcoming obstacles, facing rejection, exploring the unknown – many of us need a narrative to fuel our forward motion, something to keep us insisting on the next cycle, on better results, on doing work that matters even more. The fuel you choose, though, determines how you will spend your days. You […]
How to Improve Your PowerPoint Slides wi...
You can design attractive visuals by following simple guidelines. One of these simple guidelines is the Rule of Thirds a composition technique borrowed from photography and other visual arts that works wonderfully in PowerPoint.In this article, you will learn: What is the Rule of Thirds? How do photographers use the Rule of Thirds? How can […]
Bigger may feel safer but is it ?
Creative institutions get bigger so that they can avoid doing things that feel risky. They may rationalize this as leverage, as creating more impact. But it’s a coin with two sides, and the other side is that they do proportionally more things that are reliable and fewer things that feel like they might fail. In […]
The great untold story of our time…
The decline of our personal momentum. The motor, Heres a simple hierarchy: The self-driving car, Cruise control, Manual driving, Hitchhiking, Bicycling, Walking The arc? As you move down the list, it gets harder and harder to coast. It moves from set it once and forget it to one step at at time. The growth of […]
How do you do it ?? Bad sorts (and the ...
Bad sorts (and the useful ones) We sort people all the time. Society prefers easy, useless ones. Sorts like: Skin color. Gender. Disability status. Nationality. Religious background. Height. While these are easy to do and the result of long, long traditions, they’re useless. The alternatives? Kindness. Expertise. Attitude. Skill. Emotional intelligence. Honesty. Generous persistence. […]
Your soft skills inventory
The annual review is a waste. It’s not particularly useful for employee or boss, it’s stressful and it doesn’t happen often enough to make much of an impact. If you choose to, though, you can do your own review. Weekly or monthly, you can sit down with yourself (or, more powerfully, with a small circle […]
All deals are handshake deals…
The only variable is how specific you’re willing to be about who is promising what. Specific contracts don’t completely protect you from dishonorable people. What they do is make it really clear about what it takes to do what you said you were going to do. Start with a good agreement. But your future depends […]
The right effort of generosity….
Don’t expect much from a drowning man. He’s not going to offer you a candy bar or ask how your day was. He’s too busy not drowning. Generosity takes effort. It requires the space to take your mind off your own problems long enough to see someone else’s. It requires the confidence to share when […]
Fear, failure and shame, oh my
Fear runs deep. Fear used to keep our ancestors alive. Fear keeps you from taunting a saber tooth tiger. The thing is, most of us don’t have to deal with tigers any longer. But the fear still runs deep. We still feel the same feelings when we face possible failure, but now those feelings revolve […]
How to Create a Peak Productivity Enviro...
My mother said to me If you become a soldier you will be a general; if you become a monk, you will end up as the pope. instead, I became a painter and would up as Picasso. -PABLO PICASSO You can load yourself up with big, hunky day planner devices, computer software, notepads, different […]
How to Slay Mr.Meeting
One of the most dangerous Time Vampire is Mr. Meeting. Some people seem to do nothing but attend meetings. Just as I was about to start writing this blog, a colleague of mine dragged me into a 20-minute,four-person conference call to discuss when we could have next, longer conference call to plan a meeting. Geez. […]
Why It’s the Perfect Time to Start Your
The thriving small business environment The age of the small business has begun. Developments in technology, the economy, and resources available make this the perfect time to start your small business. A recent report revealed that small businesses are thriving, and that the small business economy is on the verge of rapid growth in the […]
5 Tips to Stop Interrupting Others…
One of my clients raised an interesting problem recently. What do you do if you tend to fill in peoples extended pauses between thoughts? You want to jump in to fill the gap but you know that interrupting risks alienating the other person. Try any of these five tips: When you realize you are with […]
The possibility of optimism (the optimis...
Is the glass half full or half empty? The pessimist sees what’s present today and can only imagine eventual decline. The glass is already half empty and it’s only going to get worse. The optimist understands that there’s a difference between today and tomorrow. The glass is half full, with room for more. The vision […]
How to get rich by expanding your capaci...
If you want to get rich,you need to have a mind open to new ideas and have the skills to take on possibilities greater than your current abilities. In order to do that,you must have a reality that can change,expand,and grow quickly. To try and get rich with poor persons reality or a reality that […]
How to really think big…
It must be borne in mind that the tragedy in life doesn’t lie in not reaching your goal. The tragedy lies in having no goal to reach… Its not a disgrace not to reach the stars,but its a disgrace to have no stars to reach for. Not failure,but low aim is a sin… […]
A great way to give thanks…
for the privileges we’ve got is to do important work. Your job, your internet access, your education, your role in a civilized society… all of them are a platform, a chance to do art, a way for you to give back and to honor those that enabled you to get to this point. For […]
When the world changes…
It’s painful, expensive, time-consuming, stressful and ultimately pointless to work overtime to preserve your dying business model. All the lobbying, the lawsuits, the ad campaigns and most of all, the hand-wringing, aren’t going to change anything at all. In fact, instead of postponing the outcome you fear, they probably accelerate it. The history of media […]
Simple Project Management Tips…Make thre
When considering a new project, it might help to make three lists: A list of everything that has to be true for this to be a good project (things you can look up, research or otherwise prove). A list of all the skills you dont have that would be important for this project to work […]
Compared to…
Without a doubt, there’s someone taller than you, faster than you, cuter than you. We don’t have to look very far to find someone who is better paid, more respected and getting more than his fair share of credit. And social media: Of course there are people with more followers, more likes and more of […]