Words carry energy.

Each word you say out loud or internally to yourself catalyzes a different response in your brain and therefore throughout your whole body.I always enjoy what happens when I increase the use of the word “Produce”

If I want to move closer toward achieving my life’s goals today,I might start my morning with the question,”What would I like to produce today?”

If I have a meeting with someone Important,I might ask myself before going in,”What would I like this meeting to produce?”

Most people use the much weaker,”What do I hope will happen?”

If i think,always,about producing what I want,then I am constantly returning to my power base inside my mind.Do I want to produce an agreement?Do I want to produce a better relationship? Do I want to produce a whole new level of interest in how I can solve my prospects problems?Do I want to produce a sale?

Two hours left in the day….what would I like to produce?

Not what “should” I be doing.But what will I produce right now. The words conjure up two different worlds altogether.

See what its like to experience success that you yourself have produced for yourself.Produce relationships.Produce Proposals.Produce trust.Don’t simply hope these things will occur by themselves…

Good Luck…