Could it be that our lives and careers are simply a reflection of our Words?

►Is the difference between a millionaire and a billionaire the words they know and use?

►Could the difference between a happy person and depressed person simply be the words they chanted to themselves?

NITA Approved Trainers
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Dolphins Group Offers
Advanced MS Excel Skills Training for Professionals..

Venue ; Best Western Plus Hotel Nairobi

Date; 29th July To 2nd Aug 2024 (Five Days)

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Warehouse & Stores Management Skills Training ......

 Venue ;  Best Western Plus Hotel Nairobi

Date;  29th July To 2nd Aug 2024 (Five Days)

►Reserve Online.

ER - Employee Relations and Engagement Skills Training..

Venue ; JW Marriott Hotel-Nairobi

Date;  29th July To 2nd Aug 2024 (Five Days)

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HR Analytics and Metrics Skills Training…

 Venue ; JW Marriott Hotel-Nairobi

Date; 29th July To 2nd Aug 2024 (Five Days)

 ►Reserve Online



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Marketing & Sales Made Easy...

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1).Why People Buy..

 Perhaps you already know why people buy, but do you know all 51 reasons? The more of those reasons you know, the better you'll be able   to market.Here we go..

2) .Marketing's Greatest Ally...Here they are..

3). The Truth About Customers ...start with this..

4). 200 Marketing here

5). The Magic and Tragic Words of Marketing ...view all..

6).The New Secrets of Marketing...

7).Five New Rules for Marketing ....

8).How Much Frequency in Marketing...??

9).Steve Jobs: Memorable Quotes for You and Me....

10). Brand strategy that shifts demand: Less buzz, more economics

11).Maintaining Your Attack ..

12).The Importance of Having a Rich Online Presence...

13).If your organization or even your career is stuck;it may just be because of this chart....

Top Public Speaking & Business Presentation Skills

1). Useful Presentation & Public Speaking Skills tips..start with the first one

2). How to Improve Your Media Skills,click here..

3). The Art of Audacious we go..

4). How To: Speak In Public (Beginners Basics)...

5). Presentation Lessons From Legendary Public Speakers

6). 7 Ways To Captivate A Corporate Audience..Start with the first one..

7). Media Skills – Tips for Radio Interviews.... Go..

8). Average Speakers Suck. Don't be Average...

9).How to Improve Your PowerPoint Slides with the Rule of Thirds...

10).Presentation Sins...

11).Startups and "Next big thing" : How to Communicate Traction to Investors...

12).How to assemble a press kit...

13).AIDA - A simple technique to improve your Sales and your Presentations...

14.) Every presentation worth doing has just one purpose...


Be Brilliant @ eMarketing..

1). Tips for Building Your Email Lists.Here they are..

2). How to execute Marketing With Technology ..Start Here...

3). 5 Ways You Can Make the Most of Facebook’s New Page Layout Click Here

4). Tips for Effective Blogging....and Article Marketing... Get it all here..

5). Is Your Nonprofit Organization Ready for Social Media? Start here...

6). Social Media Glossary...Learn the language of social media marketing..Go..

7). Ten Ways To Increase Your Twitter Followers...Start with the first one...

8). How to Install the Facebook Like Button On Every Page of Your Site..

9).How Often Should You Post to Facebook and Twitter?

10).email Communication Checklist...Start with No.1.

Team Building At Its Best.....

1). How to organize a Grilling Team Building Retreat...Click here...

Selling Beyond the Limits..
Lifetime Entrepreneurship,Wealth Creation,Business and Investment..
Top Image,Dressing and Business etiquette...

1). Job Interview Etiquette..go..

2). 22 Ways To Network Like A Pro...start with the first one..

3). Perfect Your Elevator are the tips

4). Top 10: Ways To Show Confidence With your Body Language... start here..

5).Psychology of Colors…Go...

6).Top 10; Proven Benefits Of Looking Your Best…

Excellent Customer Service..
Personal Development...
How to Achieve Innovation and Growth...

What are your top three “must do’s” for breakthrough innovation success?

Rowan Gibson answered the questions and offered his insight into large-scale collaboration, innovation sponsorship, and the necessary roles that have to take place before successful, positive change can occur in a business. You may access his posts in the links below, and be sure to bookmark this pages.




Good Luck....


Documents Templates To Make Your Work Easier...
Personal Branding..
How to conduct an excellent Training Needs Analysis(TNA) for your organization.
Here are Amazing Facts...Only for You.....!
More Short Great Articles For YOU


View All Here From This Link



Thanks guys; keep implementing
Executive Assistant Master Class Skills Training... Mombasa
Asset Management Skills Training....

Venue ; Bamburi Beach Hotel Mombasa Kenya

Date; 29th July To 2nd Aug 2024 (Five Days)

►Reserve Online



Talent Management Skills Training...

Venue ;  Bamburi Beach Hotel Mombasa Kenya

Date; 29th July To 2nd Aug 2024 (Five Days)

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Monitoring & Evaluation Masterclass Skills Training...Mombasa

Venue ; Bamburi Beach Hotel Mombasa Kenya

Date  29th July To 2nd Aug 2024 (Five Days)

►Reserve Online


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