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NITA Approved Trainers
+254-20-2211362 / 382
Dolphins Group Offers
Advanced MS Excel Skills Training for Professionals..

Venue ; Best Western Plus Hotel Nairobi

Date; 28th October To 1st Nov 2024 (Five Days)

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Warehouse & Stores Management Skills Training ......

 Venue ;  Best Western Plus Hotel Nairobi

Date;  28th October To 1st Nov 2024 (Five Days)

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ER - Employee Relations and Engagement Skills Training..

Venue ; JW Marriott Hotel-Nairobi

Date;  28th October To 1st Nov 2024 (Five Days)

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HR Analytics and Metrics Skills Training…

 Venue ; JW Marriott Hotel-Nairobi

Date; 28th October To 1st Nov 2024 (Five Days)

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Scaling Up - Why a Few Companies Make It...and Why Rest Dont...

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How to Dominate Your Market…

Implementation of various strategies and new ideas is always a challenge to many organizations and business entities,but for those who are ready to take the initial steps the rewards are always beyond their early imagination.



In today's highly competitive environment, budget-oriented planning or forecast-based planning methods are insufficient for any organization to survive and prosper.

The firm must engage in strategic planning that clearly defines objectives and assesses both the internal and external situation to formulate strategy, implement the strategy, evaluate the progress, and make adjustments as necessary to stay on track...View More..


 In addition, we assist clients on setting  up and deployment of Open Source Software through;

1. Business Intelligence Dashboard Online Software for Top Management

2. Project Management Dashboard Software

3. HR, Payroll, Psychometric Tests,Training Plan and KPI Software

4.Training and skills management software...

Business Process Reengineering (BPR)

 Business Process Reengineering involves the radical redesign of core business processes to achieve dramatic improvements in productivity, cycle times and quality.

In Business Process Reengineering, companies start with a blank sheet of paper and rethink existing processes to deliver more value to the customer. They typically adopt a new value system that places increased emphasis on customer needs. Companies reduce organizational layers and eliminate unproductive activities in two key areas. First, they redesign functional organizations into cross-functional teams. Second, they use technology to improve data dissemination and decision making.

How Business Process Reengineering works:

Business Process Reengineering is a dramatic change initiative that contains five major steps that managers should take:

  •     Refocus company values on customer needs
  •     Redesign core processes, often using information technology to enable improvements
  •     Reorganize a business into cross-functional teams with end-to-end responsibility for a process
  •     Rethink basic organizational and people issues
  •     Improve business processes across the organization

Business Process Reengineering Steps

Unlike business process management or improvement, both of which focus on working with existing processes, BPR means changing the said processes fundamentally.

This can be extremely time-consuming, expensive and risky. Unless you manage to carry out each of the steps successfully, your attempts at change might fail.

Step #1: Identity and Communicating the Need for Change

Step #2: Put Together a Team of Experts

Step #3: Find the Inefficient Processes and Define Key Performance Indicators (KPI)

Step #4: Reengineer the processes and Compare KPIs


Customer Satisfaction Survey

Customer satisfaction is at the core of human experience, reflecting our liking of a company’s business activities. High levels of customer satisfaction (with pleasurable experiences) are strong predictors of customer and client retention, loyalty, and product repurchase. Data that answers why a customer or client enjoyed their experience helps the company recreate these experiences in the future.

Effective businesses focus on creating and reinforcing pleasurable experiences so that they might retain existing customers and add new customers. Properly constructed customer satisfaction surveys and questionnaires provide the insights that are the foundation for benchmarking customer happiness. Depending on what customer metrics you intend to use, it will determine what type of survey questions you need to ask your customers.

WHY  Customer Satisfaction Survey

  1. To determine the level of customer satisfaction improvement from a previous determined level – this requires a comparative analysis from the existing status to the outcome of the current survey
  2. To determine the customer satisfaction levels for the different sections within the organization
  3. To have both qualitative and quantitative surveys including physical interactions to determine customer sentiment
  4. To determine the extent of the target audience’s knowledge, understanding and perception of the customer’s corporate strategy and partnerships maintenance initiatives
  5. To commission the determination of the overall customer satisfaction index for the organization

scope of works/requirements

  • Take on a two pronged approach – quantitative research study as one area and qualitative study of the customer experience status to build into the organizational strategy


  • Use of a technical mobile tool for data collection channel owing to real time data gathering and analysis mechanism that eliminates the traditional need for extended questionnaire application and human base analysis that is time-consuming and labor-intensive.


  • Analysis and review to provide insights and advisory on the existing initiatives including customer profiles, existing customer information, customer feedback, any customer communication information and  well as strategic insights and recommendations.


  • The parameters in the survey need to have both the actual survey and customer experience advisory angle applied to provide for a 360° view.
HRIS and HR Policy Development...

A human resource information system (HRIS) is computer software employers use to manage the human resources functions of their organization. It has the capability to maintain employment records of all staff members, and employers can use it to collect metrics surrounding the firm’s staffing, performance management, compensation and benefits activities. Although not all companies utilize an HRIS system, there are many benefits to doing so.

A well developed HRIS offers the following advantages:
1. Reduction in the cost of stored data in human resource.
2. Higher speed of retrieval and processing of data.
3. Reduction in duplication of efforts leading to reduction in cost.
4. Availability of accurate and timely data about human resources.
5. Better analysis leading to more effective decision making.
6. More meaningful career planning and counselling at all levels.
7. Improved quality of reports.
8. Better ability to respond to environmental changes.
9. More transparency in the system.

The main purpose of maintaining HRIS system is to gather, classify, process, record and disseminates the information required for efficient and effective management of human resources in the organisation.

The various uses of HRIS in an organisation can be listed as follows:

Personnel Administration:
It encompasses personal information of an employee. These may include name, address, date of birth, marital status, and the date of joining the organisation. It also contains the name and address of next kin of the employee concern. These information describe the employee.

Salary Administration:
One of the functions of HRIS is to provide a report containing information like present salary, benefits, last pay increase and proposed increase in future.

Leave/Absence Increase:
HRIS is also used to control leave/absence of employees. This is done by maintaining a leave history of each employee. Every employee can be issued an identity card writing every employee’s token number coded on it. Employee’s entry and exit from the organisation should be recorded on the identity card. This reduces chances for malpractice or oversight in calculating wages for each employee.

Skill Inventory:
Recording employee skills and monitoring a skill data base is yet another use of the HRIS. Such a skill record helps identify employees with the necessary skill for certain positions or jobs in an organisation.

Medical History:
The HRIS is also used to maintain occupational health data required for industrial safety purposes, accident monitoring, and so on.

Performance Appraisal:
In order to form a comprehensive overview about an employee, HRIS maintains performance appraisal data such as the due date of the appraisal, potential for promotion, scores of each performance criteria and alike. The textual information can be combined with the factual data obtained from the HRIS and the combination of information can be used for imparting training and affecting employee mobility in the form of transfer and promotion.

Manpower Planning:
HRIS is used for manpower planning also. It keeps information of organisational requirements in terms of positions. HRIS connects employees to the required positions in the organisation. It is also used to identify vacancies and establish employees thereon. HRIS can also help identify a logical progression path and the steps to be taken for employee progress/ advancement.

Recruitment forms the most essential function of HRM. HRIS helps in the recruitment process in a big way by recording the details of activities involved in employee recruitment. These may include cost and method of recruitment and time taken to fill the positions level wise, for example.

Career Planning:
By providing necessary information such as which employees have been earmarked for which positions, HRIS facilitates positional advancement of employees. In other words, HRIS helps in planning for succession.


Skills,Training and Talent Tracker.......Management System



I need a person that has Project Management skills, can handle budget preparation, and who has excellent people skills. We have a good team of employees... how can I find this person? Sound familiar?


 Dolphins - Skills,Training and Talent Tracker Software is

A comprehensive and affordable system for managing and tracking employee Training plan, Skills and Job requirements.

By using Dolphins - Skills Tracker, managing training plans, skills and competencies is fast, easy and accurate.


 The system is 100% web based, and can be deployed as an in-house solution, or hosted by Internal Systems (SaaS). Either way, all you need is a browser to run the software!

You will use Dolphins - Skills and Training Tracker Software to create a master list of trainings and skills that are meaningful to your company.

 Managers use the system to review skills submissions, and to make adjustments where necessary. Managers also have the ability to specify a required skill level when doing approvals. For example, an employee might rate himself as being proficient at "negotiating", and the manager might agree with that assessment. But, the manager might also specify that the employee needs to be an expert, thereby defining a skill gap. Gap reports are useful for training, employee development, and other purposes.

Dolphins -Skills,Training and Talent Tracker Software also enables you to;

  • Manage and evaluate progress on employee training courses and certifications
  • Monitor employee skills and abilities, and provide notifications to management on employees who have yet to complete their courses and competences.
  • Identify candidates for job openings in the event an employee is promoted or resigns from the company 
  • Manage employees and suppliers profiles (ref. skills matrix) ensuring that training, skills and qualifications of your employees and your suppliers are always compliant at all times.

Easy implementation;

Dolphins Skills and Training Tracker Software also helps to plan everything related to training activities such as:

  • Course coverage, registrations, attendance, results, updated competency profiles, competency certificates, costs, performance analysis.
  • The Skills,Training & Competences Module is easily integrated with other modules such as:
  • Risk Analysis, Planning,
  • E-Learning,
  • Equipment Maintenance,
  • Supplier Management,
  • Document Management,
  • Audits & Inspections,
  • Monitoring & Measurement, 
  • Performance Review.
  • Plus,Business Intelligence Dashboard.

Make it easy to analyse,measure and plan Today....



Please get in touch with Dolphins Group Consultancy unit directly on :-

Tel:- +254-20-2211365 / 362 / 382 or 254-712-636404



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Executive Assistant Master Class Skills Training... Mombasa
Asset Management Skills Training....

Venue ; Bamburi Beach Hotel Mombasa Kenya

Date; 28th October To 1st Nov 2024 (Five Days)

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Talent Management Skills Training...

Venue ;  Bamburi Beach Hotel Mombasa Kenya

Date; 28th October To 1st Nov 2024 (Five Days)

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Monitoring & Evaluation Masterclass Skills Training...Mombasa

Venue ; Bamburi Beach Hotel Mombasa Kenya

Date  28th October To 1st Nov 2024 (Five Days)

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