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Key Account Management Skills Training

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Key Account Management is a strategic tool for all organizations. In any organization, key accounts are not only your most valued clientele, but are also the accounts most likely targeted by your competition. Therefore, it is of significant importance to continuously advance one’s skills in developing and managing key accounts, to ensure you can retain your most important clients and simultaneously maintain your organization’s long term viability.

This 2-day course in Key Account Management (KAM) is specifically designed to equip key account managers with the strategic KAM techniques that are necessary to build successful and long lasting relationships with their customers.

This programme will give these account managers the opportunity to practice, refine and build their skills and learn to effectively implement KAM principles in target accounts.

By participating in this course, it will guarantee the following results for your business:

• Retention of key clients
• Increased sales
• Improved margins
• High levels of customer loyalty

Training Course Content;

• How to evaluate the fundamental attributes of a key account
• Assign a tangible value to any account
• Define roles and responsibilities of key account managers
• Evaluate a client business environmental analysis
• Assess client organizational culture and its fit with your organization.
• Research clients financial performance and future business objectives
• Create a client SWOT analysis
• Develop a Competitor Matrix
• Pareto Analysis of accounts
• Create a contract matrix and ensure all team members are aware of their roles and responsibilities.
• Establish a buying needs matrix
• Motivational theory and its relevance to maintaining good client relationships
• Understand buyer motivation and how you can influence it
• How to effectively network the account
• Maintain team focus whilst meeting account objectives
• Influence and Authority and its impact on account activity.
• Build barriers to competitive attack
• Understand the importance of product development within a key account

Upon completing this course, delegates will be able to:

• Identify and understand the criteria for key accounts
• Develop a creative, structured and value generating strategic account plan
• Manage business relationships to increase own business
• Understand how to develop a planned approach to increasing business
• Effectively manage their time
• Understand how behaviours affect clients
• Complete key documentation that supports account development
• Recognise own strengths, limitations, motivators and work motivators
• Identify clearly areas for future development

More coverage,

Account Management - It's Big Business
• The profile of a key account
• Selling and account management - the difference
• Account manager - your role and responsibilities

Prioritising - Who are the Key Accounts?
• Researching your customer's profile and position
• Investment versus return - get your priorities right
• Assessing your strengths, weaknesses and unique advantages

Planning a Key Account Strategy
• Being clear about the potential of each account
• How to develop a key account over the long-term
• Longer buying cycles and their impact on your sales strategy
• Recognising threats and dealing with them
• Setting specific goals and objectives for each meeting
• Developing and maintaining key accounts in tough market conditions

Relationship Management
• Understanding the organisational structure of your account
• Influencing and negotiating with multiple contacts
• Identifying cross selling opportunities
• Identifying and gaining future sales
• Client centred selling - focusing on the real needs
• How and when to adapt your account management style
• Productive meetings and how to achieve them

From Relationship to Partnership
• Strengthening the relationship through regular contact
• Alliances across an organisation to maintain preferred supplier status
• Constructing strategic service level agreements
• Understanding buyers' needs and objectives

Developing a Business Plan
• When and how to support presentations
• Effective presentations and the essential skills behind them
• How to ensure large contracts bring in large profits
• Using added value to reduce the needs for price cutting

Developing a Personal Development Plan
• Assessing your needs for future development

Putting all together for your success.


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Thanks guys; keep implementing
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Venue ;  Bamburi Beach Hotel Mombasa Kenya

Date; 29th July To 2nd Aug 2024 (Five Days)

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Venue ; Bamburi Beach Hotel Mombasa Kenya

Date  29th July To 2nd Aug 2024 (Five Days)

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