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Goal Setting;Key habits of Highly effective people & Organizations…

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goal setting;ten habits of highly effective people


A recent delegate said about this goal setting course

“This goal setting course was invaluable to me because I never realised how important “goal focus” was.
In our organisation they keep “moving the goal posts” and nobody knows what is expected. The course shows how to create goals, draw up written plans and then communicate the goal with a positive attitude. Thank you!”

This course is for anyone who is looking to improve their ability to get the best from themselves and other people.
You may be a manager or a non-manager.

Did you know that the most important distinction that separates the successful and the non-successful is … Goal Focus?
The people who define exactly what they want, who write detailed plans for achievement, and back those plans with persistence, are far more likely to succeed than those who do not.

Are you looking for a way to make yourself and others more productive?
Then learn how to clearly define, plan and communicate your goals.

Benefits of this Goal setting course
1. You will feel more confident to select your goals and targets
2. You will get the best possible from yourself and others because every action will be directed towards the desired goal
3. You will avoid all the perils and costs of having no goal- of being directionless
4. You will feel happier because you know that success means the “realisation of your goal”

Course content overview:
How do you get the best from yourself and others?

Develop the following six key skills.
1. To develop a definite goal focus.
2. To communicate clearly and confidently.
3. To intelligently organise people, and effectively prioritise work.
4. To manage conflict and handle even you’re most difficult people.
5. To self- motivate with a positive mental attitude and to easily handle your stress.
6. To inspire others and create a positive and productive atmosphere.

To provide clarity of purpose
1. Clear vision - The big picture
2. Goal focus by means of SMART targets
3. Standards- create a “Personal code of conduct”

To communicate the Goal with clarity and enthusiasm
1. The goal must be communicated with accurate language
2. You need to prepare clear definitions of your most important goals.
3. Concentrate on the “can do” element of the goal, not the “cannot / won’t do” portion.
4. Develop the art of critical thinking and intelligent questioning

Goal achievement Training -
The need to achieve goals can cause friction which can be beneficial or destructive depending on how it is managed.
Proper conflict management requires that you: -

1. Always protect their “self concept”
2. Tell them precisely what is wrong
3. Give them a way out of the conflict situation that will achieve the goal
4. Be objective and specific, not emotional and inflammatory
5. Distinguish reasons from excuses and have a different policy for each
6. Know when to negotiate and when not to

Ten tips for constructive people management

  Key habits of Highly effective people & Organizations…
Habits, defined as the intersection of knowledge, skill and desire, are powerful factors in our lives. They constantly express our character and make us effective or ineffective. It is crucial that we consciously cultivate in ourselves habits that lead to excellence, not ineffectiveness.

The ten habits provide an incremental, sequential and highly integrated approach to help you develop personal,interpersonal and your organization effectiveness.

At the end of the session, you would be able to:
• Take initiative
• Balance key priorities
• Improve interpersonal communication
• Leverage creative collaboration
• Apply principles for achieving a balanced life

• Increase organization productivity
• Develop an action plan

• Effectively manage your company and organization resourses.
• Create desirable growth on your shortterm and long term goals

Whilst you are implementing what you have learned we will be there to help you if you need us for advice, guidance and coaching.

The training method follows this general pattern:
1. The trainer gives a clear explanation of the point in question.
2. The trainer then demonstrates the principle and gives specific examples.
3. Then, the delegates practice by doing an exercise with each other.
4. The delegates practice by doing exercise with the trainer.
5. All points are supported with full written notes to take away.
6. Delegates are asked to write down an associated action, for each point made.
7. (At the end of the day, we have about twenty such actions, from which the delegates choose six which are the most personally meaningful).

On this course, you will be using special memory techniques to ensure that all the knowledge you gain, during the course, you will remember.

Question: How many times have you learned something, only to have it fade from your memory within a short time?To avoid that from happening, we help you to retain the course content. We do this by structuring our presentations to enable you to absorb new knowledge, faster, easier and more effectively.

Consequently, the course will be of extra value to you: the new knowledge will in your memory, when you need it, even in “the heat of battle”.

In addition,participants will also learn;

Personal Finance Management,Wealth Creation, Investment and Entrepreneurship - Rich Dad Action Strategy...

Reserve online today from Here..



Thanks guys; keep implementing
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