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Dolphins Group Offers
Advanced MS Excel Skills Training for Professionals..

Venue ; Best Western Plus Hotel Nairobi

Date; 29th July To 2nd Aug 2024 (Five Days)

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Warehouse & Stores Management Skills Training ......

 Venue ;  Best Western Plus Hotel Nairobi

Date;  29th July To 2nd Aug 2024 (Five Days)

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ER - Employee Relations and Engagement Skills Training..

Venue ; JW Marriott Hotel-Nairobi

Date;  29th July To 2nd Aug 2024 (Five Days)

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HR Analytics and Metrics Skills Training…

 Venue ; JW Marriott Hotel-Nairobi

Date; 29th July To 2nd Aug 2024 (Five Days)

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The WOW! Customer Service Experience, Image & Business etiquette Training....

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The Wow! Experience......

 Customer service determines the winners and losers. Are you presenting yourself with the professional polish that customers deserve and expect?

How many opportunities are being missed or lost ; directly or indirectly due to your team image, customer service, dressing and etiquette shortfall?

In this program you will learn how to;
• Stand head and shoulders above the competition
• Exceed customer expectations and encourage repeat business
• Increase business through word of mouth recommendations
• Attract higher quality staff and improve staff retention
• Create a look to suit the image of your organization to gain confidence...
• Appreciate and apply proper grooming for success..
• Become persuasive communicators with customers both internal and external..
• Enhance best dressing and corporate culture..
• projecting a positive & lasting image..
• smart and acceptable casual wear for work..
• Make the best on Psychology of colors..
• Intergrate New and emerging customer service enhancement technologies
• Use Online customer service management tools
• Discover the Levels of Success in your Customer Service



Let Your Customer Service Be Your Marketing Department.....

  1. Achieve Sustainable competitive advantage...
  2. Enjoy greater customer loyalty during cyclical or seasonal downturns...
  3. Increase your sales and market share...
  4. Gain higher margins...
  5. Realize unlimited return on investment...
  6. Utilize the 80% to 20% rule...
  7. Command your premium pricing...
  8. Fulfill clients needs with speed...
  9. Match your brand experience...
  10. Transform life and societies....

 Excellent customer service training in kenya and africa dolphins group

 In this highly practical Programme participants will learn:

Customer Service Principles
• What are the fundamentals of customer service principles?
• How to interact with different types of customers and different personalities?
• What customers want and how to satisfy them?

Questioning Techniques
• How to encourage a customer to give you more information by using correct questioning techniques?
• How to use leading questions?
• How to sequence your sentences for maximum effect?

Emotional Intelligence
• How to empathise with customers and maintain rapport?
• How to show you understand the customer and care about their problems?

Customer Service Scenarios
• What does it mean to handle a customer professionally?
• What are the common challenging customer service scenarios and how to handle them?
o How to handle angry customers?
o How to handle swearing customers?
o How to handle mistrustful customers?
o How to handle demanding customers?
o How to handle a developing long queue?


why does customer service matter?

  • Who are your customers?
  • How well do you meet your customers' needs?
  • Avoiding the pitfalls..
  • Motivating your team for customer service
  • Critical success factors..
  • what are the benefits?
  • Executing today's and purposeful customer quality survey..
  • Customer Service checklists and how to improve...

Handling Complaints
• How to handle complaints?
• What are the principles of handling unhappy customers?
• How to deliver a “Soft No”?

Telephone Skills
• How to handle phone calls?
• How to put a customer on hold?
• How to refer a customer to a colleague?
• How to end a phone call?

Customer Service -Within changing technology
Social Media effects - how to manage and leverage
• Emailing and email responses
• Internet management
• Your technology gadgets - are they distracting-Smart phones,laptops,ipads

Body Language
• What body language signals are most critical for a great first impression?
• What gestures put customers at ease and let you establish rapport with them?
• How to spot the lies through body language?

Dressing appropriately for your Clients, Business Image and etiquette plus much more...


Customers are very different from those of the century just past. There has been a gradual but steady elimination of cultural and international boundaries to open up a whole new world of customers.

We’re going to be taking a hard look at the skills you will want to develop if your team is to be a successful customer service provider.

Reserve Online or Download Registation form for the upcoming training click here►  


Corporate LPOs Acceptable for bookings,please email/call after online reservation for a Proforma Invoice or a Quotation.





Thanks guys; keep implementing
Executive Assistant Master Class Skills Training... Mombasa
Asset Management Skills Training....

Venue ; Bamburi Beach Hotel Mombasa Kenya

Date; 29th July To 2nd Aug 2024 (Five Days)

►Reserve Online



Talent Management Skills Training...

Venue ;  Bamburi Beach Hotel Mombasa Kenya

Date; 29th July To 2nd Aug 2024 (Five Days)

►Reserve Online


Monitoring & Evaluation Masterclass Skills Training...Mombasa

Venue ; Bamburi Beach Hotel Mombasa Kenya

Date  29th July To 2nd Aug 2024 (Five Days)

►Reserve Online


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Create your profile here with ease and showcase yourself to large number of potential recruiters/employers/business owners /dept heads all waiting to view you Today...email; hr@dolphinsgroup.co.ke