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FREE eMarketing Tips....


Trends in SEO...                                                               



For the past several months, online marketers have started making predictions about the future of Search Engine Optimization and the trends that will take place. Here are some things that we think will help online marketers make the most of SEO in 2012

Social media presence – Having your website on social media networks will help improve rankings on Google. If a website has strong presence over social media, it will command high ranking. Thus online marketers need to give high importance to Social Media Optimization.

Twitter is a must – As a means of connecting to the public, Twitter has gained high reputation. It has been observed that Twitter is capable of driving huge traffic. Therefore, marketers must include Twitter while devising SEO strategy.

Coded Facebook pages – With Facebook’s importance growing this year, coded Facebook pages will give your business an edge with an interactive touch, generating leads as well as increasing conversation rate.

Trustbait instead of linkbait – Links coming from independent online sources rather than those links that are contextually linked to a site are better for Search Engines. This refers to Trustbait and is a vital part of online marketing.

SEO to grow more comprehensive – In 2011, the term SEO will need to expand and be more all inclusive.

The demand for SEO will only continue to grow and make the task of online marketers more challenging as well as rewarding.



How to Increase Backlinks and Get Web Site Indexed Fast...


Backlinks are an important aspect of an SEO strategy. For those of you that don’t know, backlinks are links that are directed towards your website. They are especially important because certain search engines, like Google, will give more credit to websites that have a good number of quality backlinks, and consider those websites more relevant than others in their results pages. I’ve put together a list of the best ways to increase backlinks and also how to get your web site indexed quickly.

1: Article Submission
2: Forum Posting
3: Blog Commenting/Blog Submission
4: Social Networking Sites(Facebook, Twitter etc. posting links on groups, pages etc.)
5: Social Bookmarking (stumble upon, Reddit, delicious, digg etc.)
6: Backlinking Service/Buy Backlinks
7: Submit RSS Feed To RSS Feeds Directories
8: Free or Paid Web Directories
9: Exchange Links / Reciprocal Links with other organizations you partner with
10: Online Press Releases
12: Classified Ad Sites
13: links from EDU & GOV sites


How to Create Google Adwords Campaign.   

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A Pay Per Click advertising campaign is a great tool to get instant traffic to your web site. It is not a good long term SEO strategy, but when implemented correctly, it can offer some great results! Here is a guide to starting your own Google AdWords (pay per click) campaign.

1. Go to and click on Start Now
2. Use the buttons to indicate the username and password you’d like to use with AdWords.
3. You’ll need a Google account to sign in, so use your existing one or create an account.
4. Click Create Your First Campaign.
5. In the Setting tabs: name your campaign, then select your other settings: audience, language and location, network settings, bidding and budget options, and any applicable advanced settings. Click save and continue.
6. Enter your ad copy (keep it simple!)
7. Enter your keywords. I suggest you use Google’s help with finding more keywords. Enter your placements.
8. Next you’ll need to enter your billing information, set the time zone for your account, and agree to the AdWords terms and conditions.
9. Click save and activate once you’re ready!

Tip: If you don’t want Google to continuously charge your card for unlimited clicks, create a budget with a limited amount of funds Google can pull from.


Top 3 Web Design Trends...

In the web design industry, trends change rapidly. Trends shift when it comes to aspects such as accomplishing the right feel of a site and creating the best user interface.

Below are the top 3 web design trends....

1. Huge headline and images – More and more websites today are sporting huge headlines and/or images. This is a great way to grab users attention and invite them in. It creates a great visual impact that will help the visitor to remember your website.
2. More visual effects – Pay attention to the backgrounds of most web designs these days. Web Designers are replacing backgrounds with patterns or subtle/textured backgrounds. Doing so gives the site a nicer look and more modern web 3.0 feel as well as creating a visual effect for the website tone and feel.
3. Social media icons/links – This is a must! This is a great way for visitors to connect with you and for you to interact with them. The best way to do this is by placing social media icons/links in above your header, in the footer, sidebar or wherever you think is best on your website design.

So there you have it. These are the top 3 trends to consider for your upcoming web design projects or redesign of your website/blog. Be creative!

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Executive Assistant Master Class Skills Training... Mombasa
Asset Management Skills Training....

Venue ; Bamburi Beach Hotel Mombasa Kenya

Date; 29th July To 2nd Aug 2024 (Five Days)

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Talent Management Skills Training...

Venue ;  Bamburi Beach Hotel Mombasa Kenya

Date; 29th July To 2nd Aug 2024 (Five Days)

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Monitoring & Evaluation Masterclass Skills Training...Mombasa

Venue ; Bamburi Beach Hotel Mombasa Kenya

Date  29th July To 2nd Aug 2024 (Five Days)

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