One Piece of Leadership Puzzle;

►The individual who has technical knowledge plus the ability to express ideas,assume leadership,and arouse enthusiasm among people is the person headed for higher earning power.

dophins_group_tick_nairobi_kenya  Be The One..

NITA Approved Trainers
+254-20-2211362 / 382
Dolphins Group Offers
Advanced MS Excel Skills Training for Professionals..

Venue ; Best Western Plus Hotel Nairobi

Date; 29th July To 2nd Aug 2024 (Five Days)

►Reserve Online

Warehouse & Stores Management Skills Training ......

 Venue ;  Best Western Plus Hotel Nairobi

Date;  29th July To 2nd Aug 2024 (Five Days)

►Reserve Online.

ER - Employee Relations and Engagement Skills Training..

Venue ; JW Marriott Hotel-Nairobi

Date;  29th July To 2nd Aug 2024 (Five Days)

►Reserve Online

HR Analytics and Metrics Skills Training…

 Venue ; JW Marriott Hotel-Nairobi

Date; 29th July To 2nd Aug 2024 (Five Days)

 ►Reserve Online



Valuable Content for you on;

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International / Local Partners and Affiliates...


it's a new economy. One where people are free to learn, think, collaborate, and create; allowing technology to do the routine.

Dolphins Group inspires the 21st Century workforce to Achieve the Best results in all spheres of their structure by partnering with internationally recognised brands in developing content,online resources,structures,trainers materials,certification and exchange programs for key and emerging corporate trainings.

This ensures that all participants in any of the programs;-

-Hotel Based-Open Entry Training..

-In-House Group Training..

-One To One Coaching and Training..

recieve international standard content and materials without ignoring the local business and organizations dynamics.


Here are some of them...








Datacomms UK                                                      computer learning Centre Nairobi Kenya              



Dolphins Group and Public Image



 Dale Carnegie and Dolphins Group                     



   Bain & Company - Dolphins Group



 Reserve online for upcoming Training as per your needs... Go.►



Thanks guys; keep implementing
Executive Assistant Master Class Skills Training... Mombasa
Asset Management Skills Training....

Venue ; Bamburi Beach Hotel Mombasa Kenya

Date; 29th July To 2nd Aug 2024 (Five Days)

►Reserve Online



Talent Management Skills Training...

Venue ;  Bamburi Beach Hotel Mombasa Kenya

Date; 29th July To 2nd Aug 2024 (Five Days)

►Reserve Online


Monitoring & Evaluation Masterclass Skills Training...Mombasa

Venue ; Bamburi Beach Hotel Mombasa Kenya

Date  29th July To 2nd Aug 2024 (Five Days)

►Reserve Online


Link Up, Be the Driver....
Are you Job hunting or know someone who is ?


Create your profile here with ease and showcase yourself to large number of potential recruiters/employers/business owners /dept heads all waiting to view you;