"Owning Technology At No Technology Cost!"

Laptops Sale and Hire:
Technology is moving at a very fast pace and many organization are pressed with urgent needs for technology platforms such as laptops. Dolphins Computers has been filling this gap by offering Quality and high performance Laptops on hire basis to corporate organization.
Please contact our sales team on phone, fax, email or through our website for immediate quote and logistics.
Strategic IT Training:
We offer specialized training and organizational skills on the following;
-Network Framework, Resources and Set up.
-IT Infrastructure needs for todays modern companies.
-Graphics and competence use of the latest desktop software.
-Systems Intergration.
System Intergration:
-Installation of server based operating systems and setting up RAID and backup system.
- Installing and configuring messaging systems such as Microsoft exchange server.
- Installing and configuring Internet gateways such as Microsoft SNA.
ICT Consultancy and Advisory Services:
Dolphins computers works with the client to identify IT needs and set ups necessary, for maximum output based on available client resources and future projections.
Main areas include;
- Network design
- Network testing and documentation
- Hardware Server sizing and specifications
- Solution design
- Disaster recovery
- ICT Pre-procurement
- Project management
E-Commerce Solutions:
-Web Design & Development
-Web Editing
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